1-Introduction |
2-Occurence |
3-Groundwater Movement |
4-GW & Well Hydraulics |
4.1-Steady unidirectional Flow |
4.2.1-4.2.2-Radial Flow to a Well |
4.2.3-Unconfined with uniform recharge |
4.3-4.4.1-Well in a Uniform Flow |
4.4.2-Theis Method of Solution |
4.4.3-Copper – Jacob Method of Solution |
4.4.4-Chow Method |
4.5-4.6-Unsteady Radial flow in unconfined aquifer |
4.7-Well flow near Boundaries |
4.8-4.9-Multiple Well Systems |
5-Water wells |
5.1-5.2-Test Holes &Well logs |
5.3-5.5-Methods for drilling Deep Wells |
5.6-5.9-Testing Wells for Yield |
5.10-Horizontal Wells |
5.11-Well Efficiency |
6-Groundwater Levels |
6.1-6.2-Time Variation of levels |
6.3-6.10-Fluctuations due to evapotranspiration |
7-Quality of Groundwater |
7.1-7.8-Natural GW quality |
7.9-7.13-Water Quality Criteria |
8-Pollution of GW |
8.1-8.5-Pollution in Relation to water use |
8.6-8.11-Attenuation of Pollution |
9-Groundwater Modeling Techniques |
10-Management of GW. |
10.1-10.2-Concepts of Basin management |
10.3-Yield |
10.4-10.11-Basin Management by Conjunctive Use |
11-Surface Investigation of GW |
12-Subsurface investigations of GW |
13-Artificial Recharge of GW |
14-Saline Water Intrusion in Aquifers |