About US


The Development of Water Resources Engineering Department} Chulalongkorn University aim to Produce competent water resource engineering and social impacted reserch work} Chulalongkorn University supported the establishment of the Water Resource System Reserch Unit (CU_WRSRU) in 2003 to extend the reserch to development water management tools and disseminate the knowledge to water related agencies. Since then, the reserch unit with collaborations from international and local organizations rom international and local organizations had produced innovative reserch work and also trained quality water engineers.


The water resource issues are considered as a top priority for the current infrastructure of national economical development. Since Thailand is shifting its economy from agriculture\al base to more industrial based while coping with rapid decline in environmental resources including water supply, water pollution and floods in various area, the new innovative approach, tools, understanding are needed to produce good research and technology to cope with the situations and lay the new foundation for next generation development.


The CU_WRSRU has four main objectives:

1.   To develop new hydro-meteorologi forcasting technologies,
2.   To develop reginal and national water resources management and geographical information database,
3.   To serve as aresearch hub for better water resources system management,
4.   To promote technology transfer and exchange ezperiences regarding water resources management technology both at national and international levels.


The CU_WRSRU conducts two main activities: research and dissemination.
The Unit carries on the research projects supported from the government and funding agencies to develop new tools in water management system and at the same time
disseminate such knowledges or tools to the implementing agencies via seminars, workshops or training programs. Examples of such activities:
- P r o v i n c i a l Water Planning by u s i n ginformation system
- Climate change adaptation in irrigationprojects
- Community‐based water planning using information system
- Climate Change Impact and adaptation planning in irrigation projects
The Unit also conducts in the collaborative research with private, industrial and government agency of both national and international levels. private, industrial and government agency of both national and international levels.

logy, hydrology, mapping,
water resources management (surface and
groundwater, water demand, water supply),
flood prevention and drainage, waste water
management, water management organization
and related legalities.

Focused Area.

At present, our research is focused on water resources planning using information and GIS technology, flood mitigation schemes and climate change adaptation. The research content cover the meteorology, hydrology, mapping, water resources management (surface and groundwater, water demand, water supply), flood prevention and drainage, waste water management, water management organization and related legalities.

In‐house scientific instruments/database

In‐house scientific tools/database include watershed management model (MIKE Basin), DSS system at provincial level, Hydrodynamic model (ISIS), Groundwater modeling system (GMS), Arc GIS, QGIS, FloodRest, Flood monitoring system etc.

Main Collaborators

- National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB)
- Department of Groundwater Resources (DGR)
- United Nations University (UNU)
- Kochi University of Technology (KUT), Japan
- Kyoto University, Japan
- Tokyo University, Japan
- Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage (JIID), Japan
- Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Japan
The Unit has an exchange program of training and sharing the experiences with above institutes at least once a year.