UNESCO Posters on Water Security, Water and Innovative Technology, Water related decision making, NEXUS for the UNESCO International Water Conference, during 13 and 14 May 2019 and supporting technical report on Water Security and Sustainability

Worlds nowadays focus on SDG goals to be set as country benchmark for socio-econ-environmental development. The successful countries for sustainable water security depend on efficiency of integrated water management, water productivity and provision of water supply and sanitary services. Water security index was another issue that had been proposed to monitor the national socio-economic development which comprised of household, urban water, economic water (including irrigation water), river health and resilience. The study proposed the water security definition and assessed the water security status of Thailand by using water use status and correlated with gross domestic product per capita, water productivity, Government effectiveness (Governance), political stabilities in various countries of the world, Asia and ASEAN which helped to understand the competitiveness and the strength, weakness and potential of water resources development of Thailand compared with the rest of the world and ASEAN countries and their initiatives needed.

Keywords: water security, sustainability, water resources, Thailand, world, ASEAN.